Go Green in the Shade
for Increased Efficiency
The adoption of electric vehicles for fleets is on the rise. Among the benefits are reduced fuel costs, reduced carbon emissions and a greener footprint. And as the selection of electric vehicles, or “EVs,” increases and the prices drop, we’ll continue to see a rise in electronic fleets. According to energy.gov, electric vehicles and the products and services that come with them are a recognized solution to help government fleets become more energy efficient.
An important component of EV operation and fleet management is the EV charging stations required to sustain the vehicles. ChargePoint is the leading manufacturer of EV charging stations in the U.S., with over 52,000 stations deployed nationwide. ChargePoint stations use cutting-edge technology that has been rigorously tested to verify that it’s safe, reliable and driver friendly.
In addition, ChargePoint’s reporting and analytics track energy consumption and GHG emissions savings. What those analytics have found, is that when EV charging stations are shaded, they charge vehicles up to 14 minutes faster and require less KW energy to do it. By reducing UV rays and sun damage, they also require less maintenance for the charging station, protect the vehicles from internal and external sun damage, and lower temperatures up to 20 degrees.
Apollo Sunguard is a Premier Partner of ChargePoint and has sold and distributed shaded EV charging stations across the country, including to federal agencies such as the U.S. State Department, Department of Defense, National Parks Service, Fish and Wildlife Services and NASA. Apollo Sunguard was awarded a Blanket Purchase Agreement (GS-30F-GA082) to support the electrification of Federal fleets.
Why ChargePoint
Why Shade
- All ChargePoint Stations are designed, engineered and produced by ChargePoint.
- ChargePoint is PCI Complient/Certified.
- Call Centers Located in Scottsdale, AZ – Over 100 Operators.
- When Shaded, Get Faster Charging Times & Save KW per Charging Event.