Cathy Tassie

Sales & Marketing Administrator

Since 2014, Cathie Tassie has been instrumental in all portions of the administrative operations at Apollo Sunguard. She started working with the company as a receptionist shortly after moving to Florida from northern New York State. Since then, she has assisted with accounting, sales and more. Cathy has an associate degree in legal assisting from Draughons Junior College in Tennesee. In her spare time, she enjoys reading historical fiction and nonfiction books and refers to herself an avid “history buff.”

Contact Cathy

Industry's Strongest Warranty Non Pro-Rated 15 Years Fabric 20 Years Frame badge.


We warranty all steel framework for 20 years and all fabric covers for 15 years.

Apollo Sunguard Warranty

Sun shining brightly in sky among clouds.


Our fabric is tested by an independent laboratory and a large selection of colors meet a minimum of 93% UV Block.

Rectangular shade structure fabric in front of sky.


Apollo Sunguard Shade Cloth® is known for its great strength, vibrant colors and durability.

blue shade connected through base structure


Our innovative shade structures are uniquely designed with a quick release system to remove the fabric covers.

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