How Shade Can Help Slow Climate Change

There are no passengers on the Spaceship Earth. We are all crew. The quote, from philosopher Marshall McLuhan, may be truer today than ever given the threats facing the planet. One of them, urban [...]

Powered & Protected: Shade & Your EV Charging Station

Electric Vehicles (EV) are continuing to gain popularity as drivers become more aware of their environmental benefits and cost-efficiency. According to an estimate calculated by the Edison [...]

Trees & Apollo Sunguard Perfect Pair for Parking Lots

The best way to fight climate change? Plant more trees, according to a Swiss study published last month in the journal Science. Trees catch heat-trapping carbon dioxide. They also provide much [...]

Enhance Your Design: Visual & Function Benefits of Shade

Enhance Your Design: Visual and Function Benefits of Shade In any kind of architectural design, attention to detail is incredibly important. Every area of the design should be functional yet [...]