2018 Sterling

Apollo Sunguard is a Finalist for the prestigious 2018 Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Award, presented by the Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes.

Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes Announce Finalists for the Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Awards

Award Winners Announced at June 1st Sterling Awards Banquet in Orlando

TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes today announced that 27 manufacturing companies have been named as finalists for the second Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Awards. The winners, chosen from the finalists, will be announced at the 2018 Governor’s Sterling Awards Banquet at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes on June 1 in Orlando.

The Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes collaborated on these statewide awards to recognize the state’s high-performing manufacturers. Companies were judged on six criteria categories:  leadership; strategic planning; customers; measurement; analysis and knowledge management, workforce; and operations.

The award process is designed to:

  • recognize high-performing Florida manufacturing companies;
  • offer a framework for networking and sharing manufacturing best practices; and
  • provide participant companies with feedback and opportunities for improvement and development of high-performance.

About the Governor’s Sterling Award

Established in 1992, the Florida Sterling Council is a public/private not-for-profit corporation supported by the Executive Office of the Governor. The Council oversees the Governor’s Sterling Award for Performance Excellence, presented annually by the Governor to high performing, role-model organizations, both private and public, who demonstrate superior management approaches and role model results. Sterling’s Conference teaches participants how to elevate performance and increase productivity. See more at www.floridasterling.com.

The Florida Sterling Council is the sole provider of Florida’s Governor’s Sterling Award (GSA) endorsed by the Governor, the National Baldrige Program, and the State Alliance. Organizations that aspire to the Baldrige Award must first become role models through their official state program. Recipients are honored at the Annual Sterling Conference.

The Governor’s Sterling Award assessment process is rigorous, consisting of an Organizational Profile and a formal 50 page application responding to the Sterling Criteria for Performance Excellence. Highly trained examiners review and evaluate the application and visit your site(s) to clarify and verify how well you meet the requirements of the Criteria. They complete a feedback report that goes to the applicant and the Panel of Judges for final determination of organizational performance excellence role model status for the State of Florida.

For more information, Contact Apollo Sunguard at 800.319.1010

2018 Sterling

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